Articles (9)
- [Badika, Capdevielle, Forquin, et. al.] Experimental study of the shear behavior of concrete-rock interfaces under static and dynamic loading in the context of low confinement stress Engineering Structures 2024 10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.118059
- [Badika, Capdevielle, Saletti, et. al.] Investigation of the Influence of Roughness on the Shear Resistance of Concrete-Rock Interfaces Using Random Field Simulations, Numerical Simulations, and Neural Network Modeling: Proposition of Two Approaches for the Estimation of the Peak Shear Strength Rock Mechanics And Rock Engineering 2024 10.1007/s00603-024-04037-8
- [Badika, El Merabi, Capdevielle, et. al.] Influence of Concrete–Rock Bonds and Roughness on the Shear Behavior of Concrete–Rock Interfaces under Low Normal Loading, Experimental and Numerical Analysis Applied Sciences 2022 10.3390/app12115643
- [Le Jouad, Richard, Mongabure, et. al.] Assessment of the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete elements affected by corrosion: An objective comparison between quasi-static and dynamic tests Structures 2022 10.1016/j.istruc.2022.03.058
- [Lejouad, Richard, Mongabure, et. al.] Experimental study of corroded RC beams: dissipation and equivalent viscous damping ratio identification Materials And Structures 2022 10.1617/s11527-022-01906-y
- [Capdevielle, Grange, Dufour, et. al.] A shear warping kinematic enhancement for fiber beam elements with a damaging cross-section Finite Elements In Analysis And Design 2021 10.1016/j.finel.2021.103559
- [Stocchi, Giry, Capdevielle, et. al.] A simplified non-linear modelling strategy to generate fragility curves for old masonry buildings Computers & Structures 2021 10.1016/j.compstruc.2021.106579
- [Giry, Stocchi, Zentner, et. al.] Methodology for updating magnitudes assigned to historical earthquakes: application to the La Tour-du-Pin 1889 earthquake Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 2021 10.5802/crgeos.82
- [Capdevielle, Grange, Dufour, et. al.] A multifiber beam model coupling torsional warping and damage for reinforced concrete structures European Journal Of Environmental And Civil Engineering 2015 10.1080/19648189.2015.1084384
Conferences (19)
- [Stocchi, Giry, Zentner, et. al.] Méthodologie pour l'actualisation de la magnitude d'un séisme historique 10ème Colloque National AFPS 2019 2019
- [Lejouad, Richard, Mongabure, et. al.] Étude expérimentale de l'effet de la corrosion sur le comportement dynamique de poutres en béton armé 10ème Colloque National AFPS 2019 2019
- [Lejouad, Capdevielle, Richard, et. al.] A numerical model to predict the effect of corrosion on the dynamic behavior of reinforced concrete beams 12th Canadian Conference of Earthquake Engineering 2019
- [Lejouad, Richard, Mongabure, et. al.] Assessment of the seismic behaviour of corroded RC beams: an experimental contribution 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2019
- [Stocchi, Giry, Irmela, et. al.] Methodology for the reassessment of magnitudes assigned to historical earthquakes 12th Canadian Conference of Earthquake Engineering 2019
- [Capdevielle, Grange, Dufour, et. al.] Élément poutre multifibre avec gauchissement pour la modélisation non linéaire des structures en béton armé CSMA 2019, 14ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures 2019
- [Lejouad, Richard, Mongabure, et. al.] Effect of steel reinforcement corrosion on the dynamic behavior of RC beams FONTEVRAUD 9 - International Symposium: Contribution of Materials Investigations and Operating Experience to Light Water NPPs’ Safety, Performance and Reliability 2018
- [Giry, Zhu, Zentner, et. al.] Methodology for the reassessment of magnitudes assigned to historical earthquakes ECEE; 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2018
- [Capdevielle, Grange, Dufour, et. al.] Introduction of shear warping in fibre beam elements for the computation of the nonlinear behaviour of concrete beams EURO-C, Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures 2018
- [Capdevielle, Grange, Dufour, et. al.] A warping multifibre beam model to assess the seismic vulnerability of existing reinforced concrete structures COMPDYN 2017 - 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2017
- [Capdevielle] Élément poutre multifibre avec gauchissement pour la modélisation non linéaire des structures en béton armé RUGC17 - 35ÈMES RENCONTRES UNIVERSITAIRES DE GÉNIE CIVIL 2017
- [Capdevielle] Comportement des grands ouvrages de Génie Civil - Modélisation par éléments finis multifibres Workshop CSMA Juniors 2017 - 13 ème colloque national en calcul de structures 2017
- [Capdevielle, Grange, Dufour, et. al.] Modélisation par éléments finis multifibres pour le calcul sismique des structures en béton armé : prise en compte du gauchissement AFPS’15 - Neuvième Colloque National de l'AFPS 2015
- [Capdevielle, Grange, Dufour, et. al.] A multifiber beam model coupling damage and warping for reinforced concrete structures under multiaxial loads International Conference on Shells, Plates and Beams 2015
- [Capdevielle, Grange, Dufour, et. al.] A warping model for reinforced concrete beams under multiaxial loading 22e Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2015) 2015
- [Capdevielle, Grange, Dufour, et. al.] Introduction of warping in a nonlinear multifiber beam model in torsion for reinforced concrete structures EURO-C - Computational Modeling of Concrete and Concrete Structures 2014
- [Capdevielle, Grange, Dufour, et. al.] Prise en compte du gauchissement des sections transversales dans la modélisation par éléments finis multifibres CFM 2013 - 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique 2013
- [Capdevielle, Grange, Dufour, et. al.] Warping effect in a multifiber beam model for nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures under torsion CFM - 26ème Congrès Français de Mécanique 2013
Theses (1)
Sources: HAL - 18/01/25 19:38:22